Nagarjuna for a long has been dreaming of seeing his younger son Akhil as the top star in Tollywood. He launched Akhil in an extravagant manner with Akhil-The Power of Jua. Almost all the celebrities from all professions across the country attended the film's pre-release event. However, the film bombed at the box office. Akhil after repeated attempts finally tasted success with the romantic entertainer Most Eligible Bachelor. He is now starring in a spy thriller Agent under the direction of Surender Reddy.
In the meantime, reports are coming that Nagarjuna is nurturing Bollywood plans for Akhil. It is known that the other day Nagarjuna was seen in Mumbai at Karan Johar's office. Many speculated that he could be part of Brahmastra 2. But inside talk is Nagarjuna met Karan Johar who earlier showed interest in introducing Akhil in Bollywood.
So if everything goes according to plan. Akhil will soon make his debut in Bollywood and the project will be bankrolled by Karan Johar.