King Nagarjuna is working relentlessly to turn his younger son Akhil into a top star in Tollywood. Akhil with his handsome looks and charming personality has all the qualities to become a top star. Howver despite being launched in an extraordinary manner, his first three films tanked at the box office.
Hailed as Akkineni Prince, he finally got a breather when his romantic entertainer Most Eligible Bachelor turned out to be a decent hit. He is getting ready to show his power with a spy thriller Agent. Nagarjuna could have breathed easy, but a new leaked video of Akhil is giving new headaches for him.
In the video, Akhil is seen doing a hulchul in the pub and to the top of it, he even misbehaved and turned rude against a person. Nagarjuna is furious with Akhil for tarnishing his image in the public. But Nag who is known as a doting father is at pains to convince Akhil to control his behavior when in full public gaze. The question is will, Akhil heed to his father?