Amala Paul within a short span of time, made waves in Tollywood romancing Mega Power Star Ram Charan in Nayak and Stylish Star Allu Arjun in Iddarammayilato. When many expected her to reach the next level of stardom, she got married and ended her career. She later parted ways with Kollywood director AL.Vijay is now doing films.
In the midst of all this, Amala Paul made shocking revelations, accusing her ex-boyfriend of harassment. There were reports that Amala Paul was in relation in 2020 with Bhavninder Singh, a Mumbai-based singer. She said he after conducting a photo shoot with her for professional commitments, later shared them claiming that they got married. Amala Paul approached Madras High Court and demanded directions to prevent him from circulating her photos.
Following Court directions, Villupuram police slapped forgery, intimidation, and harassment cases and arrested Bhavinder Singh. A couple of years back also Amala Paul accused a businessman named Azhagesan from Kottivakkam of sexual harassment and the cops arrested them in connection with an organized sex racket.