King Nagarjuna is getting ready to thrill movie lovers with his upcoming film The Ghost. The film directed by Praveen Sattaru is slated for a grand release on October 5, 2022, as a Dasara special. The film features Nagarjuna as an Interpol Officer Vikram. The makers have been promoting the film and Super Star Mahesh Babu released the film's trailer.
The trailer thrilled movie lovers and Mahesh Babu wished the makers all the best. During the trailer launch, Nagarjuna expressed his desire to star in a multi-starrer with Mahesh Babu. He requested Mahesh Babu to complete the cycle initiated by his dad Super Star Krishna.
It is known that Nagarjuna and Super Star Krishna starred in a film titled Varasudu. The film turned out to be a hit. Mahesh Babu also replied in the affirmative and said he would be thrilled to do so and will be looking forward for it. The question in under whose direction Nagarjuna and Mahesh Babu will share the screen presence.