Super Star Mahesh Babu enjoys an immense craze and tremendous fan following among all sections of movie lovers. It is known that his blockbuster film Pokiri had a re-release and according to the latest, it created a storm at the box office. The re-release of Pokiri on 9th August became a huge success everywhere and minted solid collections. Pokiri Special Shows collected a massive 1.73cr WorldWide Gross. This is an unimaginable record for any movie re-released in Tollywood ever. A Never Before Record for an Indian Film.
Puri Jagannath elevated Mahesh Babu's image among the masses and his style and mannerisms created a rage. Even now movie lovers rave about his style, swag, mannerisms, and dialogues. Ileana's killer looks and Mani Sharma's mass beats and Prakash Raj's villianism created a massive impact.
Fans are craving for another such blockbuster from Mahesh Babu and Puri Jagannath in future.