Lavanya Tripathi of Andala Rakshasi fame is getting ready to entertain movie lovers with her upcoming film Happy Birthday directed by Ritesh Rana. The film is racing for a grand release on July 8. In the meantime, speaking to scribes, Lavanya made shocking revelations about Nagarjuna.
It is known that Lavanya Tripathi who starred in the hit film Soggade Chinni Nayana was not seen in the sequel Bangarraju. This triggered rumors that all was not well between Lavanya Tripathi and King Nagarjuna whom she romanced in Soggade Chinni Nayana.
Lavanya speaking about it, said 'Nagarjuna called me and offered me a role in Bangarraju. He asked me to do the role of Naga Chaitanya's mother as the film is a sequel and I played Nagarjuna's wife in Soggade Chinni Nayana. U got a huge shock after hearing his words. I refused the offer politely as I earlier romanced Naga Chaitanya in Yuddham Saranam'
It is now coming out that since Lavanya rejected the offer, the makers of Bangarraju, removed the father character played by Nagarjuna and only included the grandfather character played by Nagarjuna. Similarly, the makers removed Lavanya's character.