All eyes are on Ram Charan's upcoming projects. Ram Charan is currently busy with his upcoming project RC15 with star director Shankar. He already lined up another project with Gowtham Tinnanuri of Jersey fame. In the midst of all this, reports are coming that Koratala Shiva is gunning for Ram Charan again.
It is known that Koratala Shiva is set to direct Young Tiger NTR at present. Referred to as NTR30, expectations are high on the project as NTR is coming to entertain movie lovers after the sensation he created with Rajamouli's RRR.
Now the question is will Ram Chran team with Koratala once again. This because Acharya featuring Ram Charan and his father Chiranejevi and directed by Koratala Shiva turned out to be the biggest disaster in Chiranjeevi's career. Not even mega fans but also mega family is unable to over come the shock of Acharya. Acharya turned out to be the blackmark in Chiranjeevi's career.