Expectations are soaring as Ram Charan and NTR's RRR directed by Rajamouli is slated for a sensational strike on March 25, 2022, across the world. In the meantime, movie lovers are getting excited with the film's highlights being revealed one by one by Rajamouli, NTR, and Ram Charan during their interactions.
In the midst of all this, shocking details are coming out about the film's climax. It is known that Ram Charan and NTR fight the Britishers during the climax and there comes the most shocking and stunning twist. Inside talk is NTR and Ram Charan will be shown as visually and physically challenged.
During the war with the British while one loses eyesight other gets physically handicapped. At that time, the one who gets physically handicapped will carry the visually impaired person on his shoulders and both together fight against the Britishers. Now the question is who among NTR and Ram Charan will turn blind and physically handicapped. ?