Mega Star Chiranjeevi's upcoming film Godfather is the cynosure of all eyes. The film which is a remake of the Malayalam film Lucifer is progressing in full swing under the direction of Mohan Raja of Thani Oruvan fame. It is known that Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is playing a powerful role in the film. The makers started shooting important scenes on Chiranjeevi and Salman Khan at ND. Studios, Karjat, Maharashtra.
In the midst of all this, it is coming out that Salman Khan threatened to walkout of the project. It is known that Salman Khan agreed to do the role on Chiranjeevi's request. The makers welcomed him grandly and Chiranjeevi and the makers offered him whatever remuneration he quotes. However, Salman politely refused it. When the makers still persisted with the offer, Salman Khan got angry and said that he is doing the role out of love and affection towards Chiranjeevi and Ram Charan and not for any monetary benefits.
It is known that Salman guided Ram Charan during his debut Zanjeer in Bollywood and Ram Charan has given voice over to Salman's many films.