For long Manchu family is jealous of all the attention and importance Mega Star Chiranjeevi is getting from even his relative, AP CM Jagan Mohan Reddy. During Mohan Babu's Son of India release, Manchu family faced immense trolls on social media. During that time, Vishnu and Mohan Babu accused of two top stars paying people to troll their family. Even earlier Mohan Babu accused Chiranjeevi indirectly saying that he was invited for talks by AP CM Jagan but it was not informed to him.
Sources say, Manchu Vishnu who is not doing any films, decided to come with Gali Nageswara Rao and launch a blistering attack on Chiranjeevi. He will be seen as playing the role of a youngster who attacks celebrities with memes and trolls and finally realise his mistake. The question is will there be any takers for Visnu's Gali attack on Chiranjeevi.?