Pawan Kalyan has a huge fan following and they will go to any extent for their star hero. According to the latest, in a sad and shocking incident, a diehard fan of Pawan Kalyan ended his life by committing suicide for his upcoming entertainer Bheemla Nayak. It is known that Pawan Kalyan's upcoming entertainer Bheemla Nayak is having an immense craze and people are waiting eagerly for the film's release.
Even though the makers did not finalize the release date, fans are getting ready to watch the film and celebrate the occasion. A fan of Pawan Kalyan, 11-year-old Navadeep from Jagital who couldn't get Rs 300 to watch Bheemla Nayak ended his life. Navadeep asked Rs 300 from his father Narasayya, 150 for Bheemla Nayak, and another 150 for his friend. When Narasayya expressed his inability, Navadeep who got depressed ended his life by hanging himself.
This incident came as a shock to all the people. Narasayya daily labor said he dreamed of giving good education for his son and rued that had he had Rs 300, he would have given it to his son.