Aha OTT is coming with 100% original entertainers to attract Telugu people across the world. Aha is coming with new web film Bhama Kalapam with national award-winning actress Priyamani in the lead. The makers today released the first look of Priyamani from Bhama Kalyam and Priyamani in new avatar captivated all. The makers released the first look with the caption 'a delicious home-cooked thriller'.
Bhamakalapam is directed by Abhimanyu Tadimeti with (Dear Comrade-fame) filmmaker Bharat Kamma as the showrunner. In the first look, Priyamani is seen in Goddess Durga avatar with a knife, a basket, a plate of biryani, a broom, an egg and a pooja-room bell, and a binocular in her hand generating immense interest among movie lovers.
Music is scored by Justin Prabhakaran and the film is produced by Sudheer Edara and Bogavalli Bapineedu on SVCC Digital. Deepak Kumar is the cinematographer while Viplav is the editor for Bhama Kalapam.