Young Tiger Ntr announced his next with Koratala Shiva. The project was announced in April this year. However, it has been getting delayed as Ntr is busy with Rajamouli's RRR along with Ram Charan. Now finally reports are coming that the line is cleared for the project and the film's regular shoot will start from March 2022.
Koratala according to sources has come with a powerful story and will be showing Ntr in a never-seen before role. Rumors have it that the makers have erected a house set and most of the shooting will be taking place in this set. Boman Irani is expected to play an important role in the film for which Anirudh Ravichander is the music director.
Rumors have it that the makers are planning to cast either Pooja Hegde or Alia Bhatt as the female lead opposite Ntr.