Tollywood's first movie Bhaktha Prahlada was released in 1932. Thereafter, many heroes, artists and technicians ruled Tollywood in 24 crafts. Starting from Chittooru V Nagaiah to the contemporary superstars and stars of Tollywood, our heroes enjoyed immense following and frenzy from their fans.
However, it's obvious that the fan of a particular hero turns Anti Fan to other heroes with the sole aim of glorifying his favourite hero. As far as this anti favoritism stays healthy, there is no problem for the heroes and the fans. The problem arises only when the anti favoritism turns an intense hatred towards other heroes.
Well, that's all about the psychology of fans we've discussed so far.
Right now, Tollywood is said to be shaken by a psycho Anti Fan who is said to be damaging the Tollywood to the core. Don't know why this Anti Fan developed hatred against the Tollywood's superstars. Initially it was thought a powerful hero's charisma had disturbed the Anti Fan and made him restless. Gradually, it's understood that the Anti Fan has been the true hater of Tollywood and is displaying his hatred on the film industry.
While some people are thinking about performing rituals to get relieved from 'Bhootha pretha and pisacham', some educationists are advising them that the Anti Fan would be taken to a psychiatrist immediately, either by hook or crook.