Natasimha Balakrishna's celebrity talk show Unstoppable on Aha Video is becoming extremely popular. Balakrishna with never seen before mannerisms and hilarious angles are casting a magic spell on one and all interacting with the top celebrities. According to the latest, reports are coming that star directors will enter into Balakrishna's Unstoppable.
Sources say Rajamouli who elevated the standard of Indian cinema with his magnum opus Baahubali and who is getting ready for another sensation with a powerful multi starrer RRR with Ram Charan and NTR will enter into Balakrishna's Unstoppable as a celebrity guest. Along with him, Keeravani will also accompany him.
This is exciting for one and all and people are thrilled as they expect Rajamouli to share many secrets of RRR in Unstoppable. Episode 5 will be premiered on December 17 and sources say the promo will be released soon.