
This is how overseas critic reviews Akhanda

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Akhanda stuns New York Times reviewer

Akhanda stuns New York Times reviewer
Akhanda stuns New York Times reviewer

Balakrishna's Akhanda is surprising all at the box office across the world. Much to the surprise of all, irrespective of the film's mixed reviews from all quarters, Akhanda which came under the combo of Balakrishna and Boyapati is driving movie lovers crazy in theatres.

In the midst of all this, Simon Abrams, film critic for the renowned New York Times reviewed Akhanda in the following manner. After watching the film, he came with the following review.

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I enjoyed the first half of the Telugu language Indian action epic AKHANDA, about an area man who picks a fight with a corrupt mine owner. But the second half brings in the title character, the twin brother of the first half’s lead. Then it becomes something special.

AKHANDA’s awesomely cartoonish set pieces are all wind machines, speed ramping, master shots, symmetrical closeups & gonzo choreography. Seeing it alone (save for one guy) at Union Square 14 was thrilling; so loud that my ears popped. “The third eye has opened. You are done for.”

Akhanda fights while possessed by the god Shiva. He impales a few heavies with his trident. Akhanda also rearranges the main heavy’s chakras one by one, naming each body part he’s destroying (solar plexus chakra!). He’s friend to zebu and children. Akhanda is righteous.

Fans of Balakrishna are super delighted with Balakrishna's Akhanda getting reviewed in a popular overseas daily.