Vijay Devarakonda is currently busy with his upcoming project Liger which is progressing at a brisk pace under the direction of Puri Jagannath. It is known that the film's shooting is in full swing in the exotic locations of Goa. According to the latest, Vijay Devarakonda came with an update on Goa's schedule.
Vijay Devarakonda shared his super cool pic and revealed that the Liger Goa schedule has been wrapped and he returned back to Hyderabad. He posted 'Came back from the most physically and mentally exhausting schedule of my life so far :) was worth it! Dived straight back into multiple things that awaited me back home - but decided tonight to take a moment to say thank you and shower some love back.'
The makers will soon fly to the US for a high-octane action-packed schedule. The makers will shoot important scenes on Vijay Devarakonda and Boxing Legend Mike Tyson in the film. Vijay Devarakonda is romancing Ananya Pandey in the film.