In a shocking and heartbreaking development, renowned producer Mahesh Koneru passed away. It is coming out that Mahesh Koneru passed away in Visakhapatnam due to cardiac arrest. Mahesh Koneru produced many films in Telugu under his East Coast Productions banner. It is revealed 'Media Personality, Producer #MaheshKoneru garu passes away due to cardiac arrest today in Vizag.'.
He worked as a PRO for Young Tiger NTR and Kalyan Ram. Mahesh Koneru produced films like 118,Timmarasu and Miss India. He was producing Vijay's upcoming entertainer Beast. Entire film industry is in a state of shock. NTR expressed his condolences saying 'With the heaviest of heart and in utter disbelief, I am letting you all know that my dearest friend @SMKoneru is no more. I am shell shocked and utterly speechless. My sincerest condolences to his family and his near and dear".
People are unable to believe and come to the reality that Mahesh Koneru is no more. Condolences are coming in from all quarters.