Bollywood beauty Shobita Rana is known for her red hot explosions on screen. According to the latest, Shobita will be making her Tollywood debut with Vaishnav Tej's project directed by Gireesayya.
It is known that the project resumed shooting a couple of days back. This happens to be Vaishnav Tej's third. Vaishnav after creating a sensation with Uppena on debut, already completed his next under the direction of Krish.
He started shooting for this project and Ketika Sharma is playing the female lead. Sobhita who joined the sets, speaking about her role said she has been waiting to sign a good project in Tollywood and she finally got the one. The makers approached her after seeing her photos and finalised her after the look test.
Sobhita said she was skeptical about South initially as she established herself in Bollywood but after she started getting offers from South,she decided to expand her horizons.