Mass Raja Raviteja is currently busy with Khiladi under the direction of Ramesh Varma and Ramarao On Duty under the direction of Sharat Mandava. Recently reports came that makers' plan to shoot Khiladi in Dubai met with a dead end as the Dubai Consulate is yet to start issuing visas.
The makers decided to shoot important scenes in Hyderabad in the extravagantly erected sets. They are making arrangements regarding this and decided to postpone the Dubai schedule at a later date as they have only a few scenes on Antagonist to shoot in Dubai.
Now the makers released the poster of Khiladi in which Raviteja is looking stylish and full of intense energy and racing on a bike and informing that the Hyderabad schedule will be starting from July 26. Raviteja is romancing hot beauties Meenakshi Chaudhary and Dimple Hayathi in the film. Arjun Sarja is playing the role of a powerful antagonist while Anasuya is playing a key role. The makers will be shooting two songs in this Hyderabad schedule.