Movie lovers are waiting eagerly for the release of Rowdy Star Vijay Devarakonda's upcoming entertainer Liger under the direction of Puri Jagannath. The film marks the debut of Vijay Devarakonda in Bollywood. Vijay Devarakonda is romancing Ananya Pandey in a film based on boxing sport.
In the meantime, the makers of Liger seem to have taken a tough decision. The makers at first planned to shoot the film in Mumbai and exotic foreign locations. But with the corona second wave, their plans went awry. As such they are planning to wrap the shoot in Hyderabad. Inside talk is the makers already erected an extravagant set in Hyderabad and at once complete the shooting once they get permissions for shootings.
Liger's emotional high octane climax is much talked about and the makers are confident that it will bowl movie lovers. The film has a tagline Saala Crossbreed and is slated for release in Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu, and Kannada in the month of September.