
Manchu Manoj lends a helping hand

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Manchu Manoj's gesture on his birthday

Manchu  Manoj
Manchu Manoj

Collection King Mohan Babu is involved in many charitable acts and his children Vishnu, Manoj and Lakshmi are continuing the same. On his birthday Manchu Manoj won the hearts of all with his gesture. 

Manoj who thanked all the frontline warriors who have been working relentlessly during the corona pandemic vowed to help 25000 family members affected by corona by proving them 13 types of household essentials. 


He posted " This birthday I would like to do my bit of meeting few basic needs of people in the lockdown. My fans, friends and I want to spread happiness this birthday by providing few household essentials to 25000 families and continue to do so". He asked everyone to stay safe and live happily following covid rules. 

Manchu Manoj for all his talent and hard work failed to reach the next level of stardom. Manoj is currently starring in Aham Brahmasmi under the direction of Srikanth Reddy.