
Everyday, One Relative/Celeb/Friend Dying!

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Daily, One Relative/Celeb/Friend Dying!

Everyday, One Relative/Celeb/Friend Dying!
Everyday, One Relative/Celeb/Friend Dying!

Never ever has it been predicted that mankind would be gripped by an unimaginble catastrophe. We have come across many natural and artificial disasters. But the spreading of Covid and the havoc has it been creating is immensely disturbing. 

Particularly, the second wave of the Covid is wrecking the lives of the people. While the first wave witnessed lakhs of people contracted by the dreaded virus, the second wave is taking away the lives of people. 

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According to an observation, every person is witnessing the loss of at least one relative or a friend or a celebrity per day in his life. This is pathetic and deplorable. 

What should we do in this dire situation? Strictly observing all the rules of lockdown and staying at home for several days seem to be the only option to get our lives saved.