Actor couple Indraneil Varma and Meghna Raami are popular faces among small screen and familiar to Telugu audiences. The couple is a celebrated jodi and are popular actors. However, not many know the pain they have gone through behind their ever smiling faces.
Meghna Raami has opened up on personal things in regard to pregnancy and motherhood. She doesn't hold any bars or does any filter as she talks about her perspective. The actress reveals that few years back she suffered miscarriage on the TV sets which led to her go through a difficult phase. She went into depression for nearly six years and gave up work at the peak of her career.
Meghna Raami opines that one can’t lead a normal life if one doesn't have kids. She further says that after setting up an NGO, she has now become mother to many, she feels this as a blessing and she doesn't feel the void of motherhood anymore.