The YSRCP's victory in Tirupati Lok Sabha bypolls haven't pleased the AP CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and the party's top leaders. The party expected a majority around 4 lakhs but it's confined to 2.71 lakh at the end of the day. Moreover, thousands of fake voters were deployed by the local leaders of the YCP to cast bogus votes. Else, the majority of the party could be decreased even more.
Above all, TDP's 3.54 lakh votes are sending alarming signals to the YSRCP.
On the other hand, Janasena chief Power Star Pawan Kalyan wants his party to win the general polls, 2024. As such, he doesn't wish the rise of the TDP, anyway. In such a case, the TDP's vote share might have made the Janasena president embarrassed.
In this dire situation, the YCP and the JSP need to suppress the TDP from AP politics either by hook or crook. The ruling party should give fitting counters to the yellow media's Goebbels propaganda through Sakshi media. On the other hand, the corruptionist leaders from the TDP should be detained.
Pawan Kalyan, on the other side, should not hold any talks to any leader from the TDP. Pawan Kalyan should mandatorily maintain an intense rivalry with the TDP. Or else, the TDP would never let Janasena emerge as the powerful political force in the state.
If Jagan and Pawan would take the aforementioned precautions to smash the TDP and the Yellow Media, both of them can achieve their goals without facing any hiccups.