
Anti Nationals Blaming Modi?

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Are Anti Nationals Blaming Modi?

Anti National Blaming Modi?
Anti National Blaming Modi?

The leaders and activists of the Congress party, the CPI, the CPM and some pseudo secular forces are affectionately called 'Anti Nationals' by some wise people. But then, there is no clarity from the analysts whether the views expressed by wise people are true or not.

Anti nationals find their existence in questioning anomalies in the Hindu religion and its supporters.  In contrast, the anti nationals bluntly extend their support to the leaders and the supporters of other religions staying dumb on the anomalies in  those religions. 


Anti nationals don't even hesitate to support rival countries like China and Pakistan at times. 

Currently, anti nationals are targeting PM Narendra Modi on the issues like sudden surge of the COVID and the nationwide shortage of Oxygen. 

But then, anti nationals should understand the fact that just 1.7 crore people, as of now, have been tested positive for the dreaded disease out of 140 crores of Indians. And then, the death toll, officially, has been declared as 1.7 lakhs. 

On the contrary, the US registered  a mammoth 3.3 crore COVID positive cases out of 34 crore total population. The death toll stands at 6+ lakhs. 

These statistics simply suggest how better India contains the pandemic compared with the world's leading force, the US. 

Also, the death rate in India is quite low in comparison with many other countries. 

Anti nationals are requested to stop questioning Modi and start doing some productive and useful work so that Modi would continue his mission to contain the COVID without any hiccups.