Allu Arjun has recently been given a new moniker ICON Star. During the Pusha teaser launch, Sukumar gave the actor new title in place of Stylish Star. Reasoning out, Sukumar had said that ICON exudes qualities of actor and has more weightage that the previous title.
Meanwhile, Allu Arjun had annocuned ICON with Venu Sriram two years ago. However, the movie has been making headlines while some saying that it got pushed or it has been shelved and that Vakeel Saab box-office result woud decide the film's fate. And now producer Dil Raju, who recovered from Covid-19, himself issued clarity who asserted that ICON is going to happen with ICON Star himself and will be helmed by Venu Sriram.
Currently, Bunny is busy with 'Pushpa'. Recently buzz has it that KGF fame Prashanth Neel will team up with Arya actor. On the other side, Bunny also announced a film with Koratala Siva. However, the Mirchi filmmaker also has NTR30. So it is still a million dollar question if Bunny will shoot ICON after wrapping up Pushpa or will he associate with other filmmaker.