Actor-turned-producer Bandla Ganesh who was attacked with the coronavirus second time was admitted to Apollo Hospital on April 13. His condition was said to be severe and was admitted in ICU. In a latest development, Bandla Ganesh health condition is now stable.
Reportedly, Bandla Ganesh is stable now and doing well health wise. He has been shifted out of ICU to a normal room. This has given a sigh of relief to his family meebs who were distressed a few days back over the gravity of his illness. It is learnt that Bandla Ganesh may have contracted the virus at the pre-release event of Vakeel Saab.
After enthralling the audience with his acting and comic timing, he has produced films like ‘Gabbar Singh’, ‘Teenmaar’, ‘Baadshah’, ‘Temper’, and ‘Anjaneyulu’.