Ram Charan birthday falls on March 27 and Mega fans gave planned an extravagant affair to make the occasion extra special. As informed previously, the grand event for Charan’s birthday will take place at Shilpakala Vedika in Hyderabad on March 26 starting from at 4: 32 pm.
Now, with second wave surge in Telangana, many are apprehensive about the Mega plan. To put rumours to rest, All India Chiranjeevi Fans Association President Swami Naidu and State Ram Charan Yuvashakti President Shiva Cherry met Cyberabad Police Commissioner VC Sajjanar and got the permission to go ahead with the event with necessary precautions.
It is worth mentioning that Mega fans wanted to carry such grand event last year itself, but owing to the outbreak of Coronavirus and upon the request of Charan they had retrieve from such event. However, this time they have gone ahead by Mega plans by compensating for the last year.
Reportedly, Mega fans will be celebrating a week-long event on the occasion of Charan birthday beginning from March 21 to 27. They will organize charitable works and other events makring Mega Powerstar’s birthday.