Mehreen Pirzada got engaged to Congress leader Bhavya Bishnoi in Jaipur on March 12 amidst fanfare. Speaking about their journey as a couple, F2 actress dubs it fascinating. She goes on to reveal how Bhavya proposed to her in a romantic way which left her pleasantly surprised. She further spills beans on how they met and how the cupid struck among the two.
Here’s How Bhavya Proposed Mehreen
Mehreen recalls how Bhavya proposed to her on his birthday. “We left Andamans last month to ring in his birthday. As I took my scuba diving course, out of nowhere he came and popped up to me. He went down on one knee and proposed to me. It was something I didn’t expect. It was surreal and magical,” says Mehreen.
Mehreen and Bhavya were introduced to each other last May during lockdown. At a time when nationwide lockdown was imposed, the soon-to-be couple also couldn’t meet, however this worked in their favour says Mehreen. “We were texting each other a lot and in fact it helped us to know each other well. We were honest and real. And six days after we started speaking, Bhavya said he wanted to get married to me”.
On the work front, Mehree will be getting back on the sets of F3 directed by Anil Ravipudi.