Kapoor Khandaan is celebrating with joy with an extension to their big family after Bollywood babe Kareena Kapoor Khan welcome her second child today, February 21. Saif shared the proud moment stating, “We have been blessed with a baby boy. Mom and baby are safe and healthy. Thank you to our well-wishers for their love and support.”
While the excitement is over the moon in Kapoor family, social media is abuzz as to the newborn child resemble whom? Does the newborn baby boy resemble Kareena or Saif are question doing rounds on social media.
Kareena Father Updates
Kareena Kapoor Khan’s veteran actor father Randhir Kapoor had revealed as to whom the newborn looks likes. While initially he laughed off stating that all this newborn resembles same to him but later he went on to say that the baby looks like elder brother Tamiur Ali Khan.