King Nagarjuna after the completion of Bigg Boss reality show has been away from the limelight. Quite active on social media, he has now distanced himself from social media handles too. In fact, his last public appearance was during the meeting with Telangana chief minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao along with Chiranjeevi. This has raised many theories behind Nag's absence from the media of late.
Apparently, for his film Wild Dog Akkineni hero seems to have advised makers to go for OTT release implicating that he has no connection with movie promotions. Meanwhile, the script of Bangarraju is ready and Nag has okayed the project long back why the film is put on hold is making his fans clueless. Similarly, Praveen Sattaru’s film has also been given green signal long back but still it is yet to go on floors.
What could be the reason behind Nagarjuna defeaning silence? We have learnt from reliable sources that Nagarjuna is suffering from acute back pain, for which he is currently undergoing treatment. He is focusing on his business and getting treated for back pain simultaneously. He is of the opinion that by the time the pandemic would get over and things return to normalcy his back pain would also go away.
So Akkineni fans fret not as all is well with hero Nag.