On the occasion of hero Naga Shaurya’s birthday, a new teaser of his film Varudu Kavalenu is released by the makers. The teaser presents Shaurya in class avatar making his entry in his style, as he walks out of office. Shaurya looks at his stylish best in the teaser and he even flaunted six pack abs in it.
Going by Varudu Kavalenu teaser, Shaurya plays a young entrepreneur. Since it is a birthday special teaser, it shows nothing but Shaurya. Ritu Varma is the leading lady opposite Naga Shaurya in the musical romantic family entertainer directed by Lakshmi Sowjanya.
Vishal Chandrasekhar has rendered soundtracks for the film produced by Naga Vamsi under Sithara Entertainments banner. Varudu Kavalenu is slated for release in May.
Apart from this, Naga Shaurya is also doing Lakshya, an untitled film under the direction of Aneesh Krishna, Police Vaari Hecharika and couple of other films.