Controversy queen Kangana Ranaut has landed in yet another row. She has announced the sequel of Manikarnika, which is now titled Manikarnika Returns: The Legend of Didda. However, author Ashish Kaul who has written the book Didda – Kashmir Ki Yodha Rani has accused Kangana of violation of copyrights and stealing his story for which has spent six years of research.
The author went on to add that he approached Kangana to write a forward of the Hindi version back in September last year, but he neither got response from Kangana nor her sister.
Throwing more light on the same, Kaul said, “Is it believable by any stretch of the imagination that a story and a book is being usurped by a renowned actor-turned-social activist?
He added, “She may even turn around and claim that Didda is a historical figure, which is true except the fact that no historian in the world, apart from Kalhan who wrote just two pages on her, and me, who has spent six years on research and documentation, who have information on her. I am deeply aghast that a person as aware, knowledgeable, and apparently a nationalist and a voice for causes, has chosen to belittle her image so”.