Of late Power Star Pawan Kalyan is hogging the headlines among film circles and this is delighting his fans to die hard movie lovers. On his comeback, Pawan Kalyan is starring in Vakeel Saab. He also has films with Krish, Harish Shankar, Surender Reddy and remake of Ayyappanum Koshiyum with Sagar K Chandra. Among all his projects, Pawan's project with Harish Shankar is buzzing almost every alternate day.
Expectations are high as Harish Shankar is promising to show Pawan Kalyan in out and out power packed role taking his heroism to another level. Fans are excited as Pawan and Harish Shankar created a laughing riot with Gabbar Singh which broke many records at the box office.
Now reports are coming that Harish Shankar is planning to show Pawan Kalyan in a never seen before role and the story will have a Kolkota backdrop. The powerful entertainer will deal with current events and have a period backdrop.