The Andhra Pradesh CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy announced relief packages for the restart of film theaters that made the producers and exhibitors jubilant to the core. Amused by the CM's gesture, Megastar Chiranjeevi and Mega Power Star Ram Charan thanked him.
"My sincere gratitude to @YSJagan garu for the very compassionate #CinemasRestartPackage for Exhibitors.The various relief measures are the need of the hour for the sustenance of Theatres & #TeluguFilmIndustry as a whole & will greatly benefit livelihoods of thousands of families," Chiranjeevi tweeted.
Tagging Megastar's tweet, Ram Charan lauded YS Jagan with a tweet, "I whole heartedly thank @YSJagan garu and the Government of Andhra Pradesh for these relief measures. Your incentives and this support will help us in restoring our film industry @AndhraPradeshCM."