Niharika Konidela has ringed in her 27th birthday today, December 18. This birthday is very much special for the Mega daughter as this is her first birthday post her wedding to Chaitanya JV. Wishing his wife, Chaitanya wrote a sweet messge, which reads, Happy Birthday, Love. May your birthday be as happy as you always make me. Shine on, my sunflower."
Meanwhile, Varun Tej penned an endearing message for her sister. Sharing a picture of the duo, he wrote, “Nihaaaaaaa!! I still can’t believe that you’re all grown up but you will always be my little girl.. You spread such happiness to everyone around you.. I’m so damn lucky to have you in my life! Happy birthday bangaru thalli!
Niharika too responded to her brother’s post. She responded, “Annnaaaaa!! Bangaarukondaaa😘😘😘 I love you so much my heart hurts”. Niharika got hitched to Chaitanya on December 9 in a plush hotel in Udaipur.