Sizzling beauty Rakul Preet Singh has recently garced on a bridal magazine. Apart from the stunning photo-shoot, the Punjabi beauty opened up on marriage, films, family and the qualitie she seeks in her to-be partner. So guys who all wanna date the happening heroine, watch out for these qualities. Rakul said, “My partner should have a passion and purpose in life. I come from a close-knit family and grew up in an army background. So, he should surely be someone who enjoys a healthy lifestyle.”
Rakul On Wedding
The sexy siren is an ardent fan of beaches. Ask her about her wedding plans, she avers that she wants a destination wedding and since she is fond of beaches, it would be near to a beach. She also calls herself a sucker of love and a person who believes in the institution of marriage.
The Dhruva actress recently enjoyed a family getaway in Maldives. Post the vacation, she resumed her film shoot with Krish Jagarlamudi’s untitled project. She has a slew of Bollywood projects like ‘Sardar & Grandson', ‘Mayday’, ‘Attack’, ‘Thank God' and South films Indian 2, Ayalaaan and Chandrasekhar Yeleti’s ‘Check’.