"Bigg Boss show bangayaa bias kaa adda," an opinion echoed by millions of Bigg Boss viewers after watching King Nagarjuna blaming and humiliating at Harika and Abhijeet. Of course, what Nagarjuna found out that the blunder of Harika and Abhijeet was absolutely right. Harika, at times, exhibited bias on Abhijeet and tried to save him in various tasks and so was the case with Abhijeet.
But then, what about Monal flirting at Akhil and having romantic chats with him? Monal could have been evicted from the race long ago given her poor performances. But then, why has she been saved many times? Who are the culprits?
Why has Nag never pointed out Akhil saving to Shoel and Shoel to Akhil? Everything appears to be the match fixing. Irritated by the way the show proceeding, a viewer commented it would be better Nagarjuna and Bigg Boss would be evicted from the show.