Delhi Crime, the Netflix show has won big at the Emmy Awards this year as it has won an International Emmy Award for Best Drama Series. Directed by Richie Mehta, the web series stars Shefali Shah, Rasika Dugal, Aakash Dahiya, Adil Hussain and Rajesh Tailang.
Superstar Mahesh Babu has now praised the Delhi Crime team for its “terrif win” at the Emmy’s. He wrote, "DelhiCrime is a masterstroke! Congratulations to the entire team on its terrific win at the Emmys. Truly deserving! (sic),"
Other Drama Series that were nominated were Germany's Charité 2 Season 2, UK's Criminal UK and Argentina's El Jardín de Bronce (The Bronze Garden) Season 2. Released in 2019, Delhi Crime won applause from all quarters, including critics and audience alike. As per reports, the team is all set to have another season with the same cast.