
Shocking Changes! Balayya, Boyapati's BB3 Becomes an Art Film!

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Balayya, Boyapati Film Becomes an Art Film!

Shocking Changes! Balayya, Boyapati's BB3 Becomes an Art Film!
Shocking Changes! Balayya, Boyapati's BB3 Becomes an Art Film!

If the ongoing update is to be believed, Natasimham Nandamuri Balakrishna and Boyapati Srinu's BB3 film might turn into an art film (parallel film) without having any commercial elements. Reportedly, a couple of changes have been done with the original script of the film. 

Initially, Balakrishna was supposed to don the most typical character 'Aghora' in his professional career for the film. But the rumour-mongers suggest that the character is completely removed from the script. Had Balakrishna done this role, the hype on the film could have been increased by leaps and bounds. All that hype is lost now. 


Another shocking speculation is that one of the heroine's roles is discarded. As such, instead of two heroines there will be just one heroine in the film. 

And the final blow is that two songs, which earlier planned, have merely been chopped off. 

It's an ultimate jolt to fans who made commercial potboilers Simha and Legend blockbusters and are wishing for a hat-trick with BB3. Let's hope these speculations won't come into a reality.