Noted Bollywood producer Ekta Kapoor’s Ott Platform Alt Balaji has been booked among others for streaming obscene content. The Cyber Police of Maharashtra filed an Fir against Alt Balaji and other platforms- Hotshot, Flizmovies, Feneo, Kukoo, Neoflix, Ullu, Hotmasti, Chikooflix, Primeflix, Wetflix for showcasing explicit content.
This comes close on the heels after Centre issued censorship guidelines against online platforms by brining it under Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Speaking over FIR, Yashasvi Yadav, Special Inspector General of Maharashtra Cyber Department said, “The videos uploaded on the Ott Platforms and websites are extremely obscene and it is likely that the actresses depicted in the videos have been exploited, lured or compelled to perform the obscene acts. It can have disastrous consequences on young minds and can lead to erosion of dignity of women”.