Raj Tarun’s upcoming film Orey Bujjiga directed by Vijay Kumar Konda is slated for an OTT release on October 2nd. While the romantic-comedy is gearing up to hit the digital screens, Raj Tarun is collaborating with Vijay Kumar Konda once again for his forthcoming project. The film is billed to be a wholesome entertainer with thrilling elements.
Latest we heard is actress Poorna of Avunu fame who is now acting as judge at a popular TV reality show wil be playing a villain in the film. In every thriller film there are many surprising elements and coming to Raj Tarun’s new film Poorna is one of the biggest surprising elements.
Curiously, actress Tamannaah Bhatia is playing a negative shaded role in Nithiin’s Andhadhun remake with Merlapaka Gandhi. It’s really good to see Telugu heroines accepting to play roles with different shades.
If these films click, then we can expect few more heroines testing their luck in negative or other different roles.