Sri Rapaka became an overnight star after starring in maverick director Ram Gopal Varma’s Nagnam. She caught the attention of all by not refusing to flaunt her curves without objecting to the camera angles of Ram Gopal Varma. Before turning actress with Nanga, Sri worked as a costume designer for top Tollywood stars.
Sri has become the hot property ever since Nagnam and after her bold take in an interview. She said, “I did not act n*de in Nagnam. RGV showed me like that. In many films directors showed heroines in that manner making them wear a towel. RGV focused on my thighs. Even that I did not feel uncomfortable as I am already in the fashion industry. When I used to play sports, I used to wear clothes above thighs and since my childhood, I used to have fans for my thighs. My colleagues used to compliment my thighs when I used to play sports. While I was playing sports, entire gallery used to get full to watch my thighs.”
Sri went on to add, “Aren’t many sportspersons who are showing their thighs. Take Sania Mirza herself. She plays wearing revealing clothes. People do not find it vulgar though she wears such clothes and plays internationally. Everyone talked about her game rather than her exposure because she is a sportsperson. Since we are in the film industry, people change their perception and comment branding everyone bold and vulgar”.