No filmmaker or star wants their films to run into controversy, except maverick director Ram Gopal Varma. Unlike others, he makes only controversial films and he is continuing to come up with highly objectionable films. Not even single project, RGV announced in recent times is non-controversial.
Likewise, the director is coming up with a film titled Thriller and trailer of the film was released recently. The promo was meant to lure youth and also to create a controversy. Devotional background score was used for the trailer.
Apparently, RGV expected Hindu activists to raise objections and protest against his film Thriller. But, nothing of that sort has happened. It seems nobody is interested on the film and don’t want to give free publicity for an adult movie. This surely would have disappointed RGV!
Meanwhile, RGV announced various other films. Freshly he proclaimed to make a film on popular journalist Arnab Goswami.