As we reported earlier, Nani and Sudheer Babu starrer V got lucrative offers several OTT players including local OTT Aha owned by Allu Aravind. Reportedly, Aha offered Rs 30 crores for a direct OTT release. Considering the uncertainty over reopening of theatres, it’s a great deal. Then, what is stopping producer Dil Raju to accept the deal. Is he waiting for better deal or he waiting for theaters to reopen?
Initially, her Nani was hesitant of OTT release as he feels direct OTT release would damage his market and fame. However, he left the option to Dil Raju, given things don’t look promising for theatrical release in near future. Director Indraganti Mohana Krishna and Sudheer Babu who plays other lead also has no qualms of OTT release.
Nonetheless, Dil Raju is worried how the distributors and exhibitors will react if he goes for OTT release. It is known that, Dil Raju is one of the top distributors in Nizam and he has good number of theaters in the territory. If he prefers direct OTT release, it may send wrong signals and other distributors may object his decision. Already many buyers are opposing the idea of digital release, since it will kill cinema business.
But, Dil Raju may take a decision in next month after discussing his opinion with distributors in Nizam and other areas.
Apart from V, Dil Raju is also producing Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s Vakeel Saab which is in last leg of shooting. Venu Sriram is directing the film which is likely to release for sankranthi, 2021.