Hyderabad Hottie Tabu during her hay days romanced top Tollywood stars after making her debut with Coolie No 1. She romanced Chiranjeevi, Venkatesh, Nagarjuna, and Balakrishna. Tabu surprisingly is leading a single life while other heroines already got settled in life.
Sometime back rumors spread that Tabu fell in love with a Tollywood star and she even got ready to enter into wedlock. However when she was about to get married, she got a shock when the family members of the hero, played the spoilsport. Rumors ended when the hero later got married to another girl.
Later Tabu flew to Bollywood and attained stardom. Sources say Tabu fell in love with Bollywood star and even planned to get married. However even there she had a bitter experience and it took a lot of time for Tabu to overcome that shock. Speculation is on as to who those two stars who broke the heart of Tabu.