
TFI Should Follow These Rules for Film Shoots!

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Tollywood Should Follow These Rules for Film Shoots!

TFI Should Follow These Rules for Film Shoots!
TFI Should Follow These Rules for Film Shoots!

Tollywood is estimated to have suffered Rs.2000 crore losses with the abrupt halt of film shoots and closure of theatres for screening of films. Entire film fraternity from celeb to small worker are perturbed by the ongoing lockdown. 

On an optimistic note, it's anticipated film shoots will have quick resumption straightaway after the lift of lockdown this month end. But then, there is a dire need film industry taking all precautions to prevent the spread of pandemic at shooting locations as which would cause the deepest troubles to the filmmakers, cast and crew. Besides, Tollywood should assure the government framing certain strict rules before restarting film shoots. They are enlisted hereunder.


* Each one of film's team must undergo corona test including hero to light boy and should test negative before starting the project.

* Shooting locations are strictly be sanitized before start of the film's shoot and after completion of the same.

* Film's unit shall provide adequate sanitizers and face masks on location.

* As they are undergoing corona tests, film's team need not bother about the number of cast and crew of the project. They can continue film's shoot with a big number of the cast and crew.

* Film's cast and crew should not go to the places of public gatherings after working hours until completion of the shoot. Else, chances of spreading of virus.

* Film's team should strictly prohibit the entry of outsiders, friends and relatives of the cast and crew.

* Filmmakers must ensure film shoots are done in various locations of India instead of abroad this year.

* Above all, the government must permit for film shoots from June 1 so that the biggest entertainment industry will start working providing the jobs of 12000 film workers.