
High Level Conference of Cine Celebs on These Issues?

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Cine Celebs Should Discuss These Issues Seriously?

High Level Conference of Cine Celebs on These Issues?
High Level Conference of Cine Celebs on These Issues?

For a long time, cine lovers have wished some discrepancies related to film industry would be settled with a high level conference of cine Celebs who include actors and technicians. Cine lovers prepared following points for agenda and wish to give away to Tollywood's big shots soon. They feel this lockdown period is the best moment the following points are discussed in the high level video conference extensively.

* Fake collections on posters and some media houses are creating unnecessary rifts and hullabaloo among fans. Hence, revelation of collections by any means shall be banned. Instead, cine industry, itself, should launch a website and the genuine collections shall be posted in the website. Even then, the team maybe managed by some filmmakers. To ensure more transparency, one representative each of genuine fan groups of all heroes shall be inducted in the team of website.


* A special team should be appointed to evade fake likes and views of teasers, trailers, video lyricals etc. on Youtube.

* No actor/technician would release video/audio messages without the consent of MAA or Producer's Council.

* Cine journos of all media houses must be respected. No actor/technician should use filthy language like 'Parasite' on them. Especially they should not deliver generalized statements. Else, genuine journos will take the issue seriously. Every celeb must digest the fact that actors and cine journos live on mutual coordination.

* No actor/technician should force other actors/technicians to give statements in favour of him just showcasing his caste/religion/region.

* One or two news channels developed too much grudge and jealousy on websites and social media. These channels indulge in blackmailing activities on Celebs to acquire the pre release event or other events' rights of the film industry. Cine industry should blacklist these channels and never let them to exhibit grudge on other media houses.