Tollywood directors and producers following a trend since decades. During the 70s, Tollywood makers witnessing the horror films in Hollywood becoming massive hits, decided to come up with such Investigation, crime and ghost films. They used to name the films as Bhayankara Pisachi, Artharatri 12 Gantalu, Kala Ratri, Artharatri Amavasya etc.
However for some reason, none of the films except for Artharatri Amavasya failed to complete shooting. All of them completed 4-5 reels and got shelved. What is surprising is even Artharatri Amavasya which was ready for release did not see the arc light.
From then, a sentiment is strongly established among the makers. They decided that films carrying such titles will not see the arc lights and in fact producers will end up in losses. Recently some films with such titles got released but not many are aware of those films.